def point_plot(df, ax):
    x = df.iloc[-1:].reset_index()
    x.plot.scatter('Date', 'intraday_cum_returns', ax = ax, s = 150, color = 'red', zorder = 10)
    x.plot.scatter('Date', 'overnight_cum_returns', ax = ax, s = 150, color = '#444444', zorder= 10 )
    ax.text(x['Date'] + td(days = 180) , x['intraday_cum_returns']-0.3, "Regular\nHours", fontsize = 14)
    ax.text(x['Date'] + td(days = 180) , x['overnight_cum_returns']-0.3, "Outside Regular Hours", fontsize = 14)
    return df
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))
 .history(period = 'max', back_adjust=True)
 .assign(intraday_pct_change = lambda x: (x['Close'] - x['Open']) / x['Open'],
         intraday_cum_returns = lambda x: (1 + x['intraday_pct_change']).cumprod() - 1,
         overnight_pct_change = lambda x: (x['Open'] - x['Close'].shift(1)) / x['Close'].shift(1),
         overnight_cum_returns= lambda x: (1 + x['overnight_pct_change']).cumprod() - 1
 .pipe(point_plot, ax)
 .plot(logy=False, ax=ax, color = ['red','#444444'], legend = False)
plt.grid(axis= 'y')
[ax.spines[i].set_visible(False) for i in ['top','right','left','bottom']]
ax.set_yticklabels(['{:.0%}'.format(x) for x in ax.get_yticks()])
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 20, "Profiting After the Market Closes",  font = "Georgia" ,size = 25,  fontweight='bold')
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 18, "Since 1993, all of the S.& P. 500's gains have occurred outside regular trading hours, which run\nfrom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time.",  font = "Serif" ,size = 15,  fontweight='normal', color = '#444444')
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 17, "@MichaelHotaling")
Text(1989-01-01 00:00:00, 17, '@MichaelHotaling')
def point_plot(df, ax):
    x = df.iloc[-1:].reset_index()
    x.plot.scatter('Date', 'intraday_cum_returns', ax = ax, s = 150, color = 'red', zorder = 10)
    x.plot.scatter('Date', 'overnight_cum_returns', ax = ax, s = 150, color = '#444444', zorder= 10)
    ax.text(x['Date'] + td(days = 180) , x['intraday_cum_returns']-0.3, "Regular\nHours", fontsize = 14)
    ax.text(x['Date'] + td(days = 180) , x['overnight_cum_returns']-0.3, "Outside Regular Hours", fontsize = 14)
    return df
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))
 .history(period = 'max', back_adjust=True)
 .assign(intraday_pct_change = lambda x: (x['Close'] - x['Open']) / x['Open'],
         intraday_cum_returns = lambda x: (1 + x['intraday_pct_change']).cumprod(),
         overnight_pct_change = lambda x: (x['Open'] - x['Close'].shift(1)) / x['Close'].shift(1),
         overnight_cum_returns= lambda x: (1 + x['overnight_pct_change']).cumprod()
 .pipe(point_plot, ax)
 .plot(logy=True, ax=ax, color = ['red','#444444'], legend = False)
ax.grid(axis="y", )
[ax.spines[i].set_visible(False) for i in ['top','right','left','bottom']]
ax.set_yticks([2**x for x in range(-1,5)])
ax.set_yticklabels(['{:.0%}'.format(x-1) for x in [2**x for x in range(-1,5)]])
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 37, "Profiting After the Market Closes",  font = "Georgia" ,size = 25,  fontweight='bold')
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 25, "Since 1993, all of the S.& P. 500's gains have occurred outside regular trading hours, which run\nfrom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time.",  font = "Serif" ,size = 15,  fontweight='normal', color = '#444444')
plt.text(datetime(1989,1,1), 19, "@MichaelHotaling")
Text(1989-01-01 00:00:00, 19, '@MichaelHotaling')