Hi there 👋
My name is Michael

I'm a data scientist and engineer at Applied Materials, putting the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning at the edge of the Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and next-generation Smart Factory Automation. I specialize in early failure detection for machinery, prognostic analysis, dashboards, visualization, and exploratory data analysis. I’m looking to collaborate on data science projects, machine learning, and applications of data science in other fields

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About me!

🧑‍💻 I’m currently working on

  • Building predictive models for semiconductor equipment to predict failures before they impact production
  • Writing a book on Practical Prognostics with Python (Stay tuned!)
  • Developing stock trading algorithms to reduce volatility exposure and beat common index returns

My Certifications




Work History

Applied Materials

  • Data Scientist
  • November 2014 - Present


  • Research Assistant
  • June 2013 - July 2014

Languages and Tools

Languages I Use

PythonRMATLABMapleWolfram Mathematica

Libraries I Use

Numpy Pandas Scipy Scikit Plotly Sympy BeautifulSoup Seaborn Requests RDKit

Visualization Software

Tableau PowerBI

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Tensorflow Keras Pytorch Jupyter Spark Anaconda

Big Data

Airflow Spark Kafka Hadoop

Quantum Computing


Version Control

Git GitHub

Specalized Software Experience

MULTISIM Microsoft Power Automate